2018 Women’s March

January 20, 2018 pvpadmin 0

Many of your fellow PVP Democrats attended the Women’s March on January 20, 2018 in both Los Angeles and in Redondo Beach. We’ve collected many […]

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The Indivisible Guide

December 5, 2017 pvpadmin 0

The Indivisible Guide Indivisible (https://www.indivisible.org/) is great resource even if you aren’t active in an Indivisible group locally.  Each Saturday the national team puts out […]

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Easy Everyday Activism

December 5, 2017 pvpadmin 0

Your physician says you should be active every day.  I think that means more than just exercise. I think it means flexing your political muscle […]

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December 5, 2017 pvpadmin 0

RESISTBOT (https://resistbot.io) is a free service–no downloads, no apps to install– that takes your text message and turns it into a physical fax delivered to […]