Voting Guidance

For your convenience, we’ve compiled a list of resources to help you fill out, submit, and track your ballot. Please make sure that you and other Democrats that you know vote!

Voting Information

LACDP Endorsed Candidates

President – Joe Biden / Kamala Harris

Congressional District 33 – Ted Lieu (or if you live in CD 43, Maxine Waters; if you live in the 44th CD, Nanette Barragan)

Assembly District 66 – Al Muratsuchi (or if you live in AD 35, Steven Bradford; if you live in the 70th AD, Patrick O’Donnell)

LA County District Attorney – George Gascon

LA County Superior Court Judges: (Click here to see LA County Bar evaluations of candidates)

Office 72: Steve Morgan
Office 80: David Berger
Office 162: Scott Andrew Yang

Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) Board of Trustees

Seat 1 – Andrea Hoffman
Seat 3 – David Vela
Seat 5 – Nichelle Henderson
Seat 7 – Mike Fong

Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified School District Board Members (vote 2 out of 4) – Jeff Frankel

Palos Verdes Estates City Council (vote 2 of 5) – no endorsements

Rolling Hills Estates City Council (vote 3 of 7) – Debby Stegura

PVLD Board of Trustees (pick 2 of 4) – no endorsements

West Basin Municipal Water Municipal Water District Division 2 – Robert Katherman

LACDP Endorsements for State Propositions and Local Measures

For more information about the Propositions, visit our 2020 General Election page on our website.  To listen to the League of Women Voters analysis of the propositions at our September meeting, visit our September meeting report.

YES on Proposition 14 — Continue Stem Cell Research

YES on Proposition 15 — Taxes on Commercial Property – Increase funding sources for public schools, community colleges, and local government services by changing tax assessment of commercial and industrial property

YES on Proposition 16 — Allow Public Agencies to Consider Diversity – allow diversity as a factor in public employment, education, and contracting decisions

YES on Proposition 17 — Voting Rights for People on Parole – restores right to vote after completion of prison term

YES on Proposition 18 — Allows 17-Year-Olds Who Turn 18 by the General Election to Vote in Primary

YES on Proposition 19 — Property Taxes:   Transfers – changes certain property tax rules for homeowners over 55, disabled, or wildfire/disaster victims to transfer primary residence’s tax base to replacement residence

NO on Proposition 20 — Changes to Criminal Penalties and Parole – restricts parole for certain offenses currently considered to be non-violent and authorizes felony sentences for certain offenses currently treated only as misdemeanors

YES on Proposition 21 – Rent Control – expands local governments’ authority to enact rent control on residential property

NO on Proposition 22 — Employment Classification:  Independent Contractors – exempts app-based transportation and delivery companies from providing employee benefits to certain drivers

YES on Proposition 23 — Kidney Dialysis – authorizes state regulation of kidney dialysis clinics and establishes minimum staffing and other requirements

NEUTRAL on Proposition 24 — Consumer Privacy – amends consumer privacy laws

YES on Proposition 25 — Pre-Trial Detention – referendum on law that replaced Cash Bail with system based on public safety and flight risk

YES on Measure J — Reimagine LA County – amends LA County Charter to allocate at least 10% of revenue to community-based youth development, affordable housing, restorative justice, job training and similar programs


  1. Editors Note: Marlene McNeill is a long-time Democrat and a 30-year member of the LA County Public Defenders Office. Her views reflect those of the Local 148 LA County Public Defenders Union.
  2. Prop 25: NO

    Proposition 25 will replace cash bail with pretrial risk assessments, which are racially biased algorithms that use factors like age and arrest record to determine a person’s likelihood of missing their court date. This ballot initiative both grants judges more power by allowing them to consult algorithms to determine a person’s likelihood of returning to court and removes attorneys’ power to use people’s unique circumstances to argue for release by disqualifying certain charges from pretrial release entirely.

    Many organizations urge voters to vote yes because we have been eagerly awaiting the end of the broken cash bail system; however, Prop 25 is just an equally, if not worse, replacement. We should not settle for a different system that also fails to protect the due process rights of our clients.

    • I agree that there are risks and that Proposition 25 is not a perfect solution. But voting No leaves DAs and bail bondsmen in virtually total control. Judges who are inclined to combat our excessive rates of incarceration are disqualified by DAs. Proposition 25 will put more power in the hands of judges. The idea that judges are going to be more unfair to defendants than DAs and bail bondsmen strikes me as unlikely. Waiting for some more perfect reform is waiting for a pipe dream. Cash bail is broken. Very few civilized countries use it. It’s time to end it. My opinions are my own only. But I can endorse Proposition 25 and I’m glad to do so. But others may weigh the issues differently and I respect their views.

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