Please consider voting for your PV Democrats fellow members:
- Connie Sullivan and Ray Waters are running for the LA County Central Committee. Both are long-time members and activists. If you are using a voting machine, be sure to scroll down to see all the candidates.
- Andrew DeBlock is running for Torrance City Council District 6. Many of you know Andrew from working on re-election campaigns for Assemblyman Al Muratsuchi. You can only vote for Andrew if you live in his district.
- Linda Sun is a long time local activist running for LA County Superior Court Judge office 42. Linda is the endorsed candidate by the LA County Democratic Party.
- And, of course, Assemblyman Al Muratsuchi is a PV resident and running for re-election.
How to cast a ballot
For increased voter security and efficiency and to allow as many voters as possible to vote, California has changed some of our voting procedures. Registered voters in L.A. County now have 11 consecutive days to vote in-person at ANY Vote Center in the County. For the March 3 Presidential Primary Election Vote Center voting begins February 22 and will be available through 8 PM on Election Day. Voters are not required to bring anything with them, but as before, bringing your Sample Ballot with your choices already marked, will speed up the voting process. The actual voting machines are new and have touch screen functions, but voting on these will result in a paper ballot allowing you to double-check your choices prior to submitting your ballot.
Here is a link to the Vote Centers in LA County (drill down to find your preferred location): (please note, there are some centers open for the full 11-days and more that open up for the last 4-days, so be sure to check!). There are many 4-day centers open starting Feb 29 th , but the only center in PV open for the full 11 days is located at Rolling Hills City Hall, 2 Portuguese Bend Rd, Rolling Hills CA 90274. Hours: February 22 – March 2: 8AM – 5PM, March 3: 7AM – 8PM.
For those who typically vote by mail, your mail-in ballot should look the same as it did in the last election, when the new ballot format for mail-in ballots was rolled out.
Not yet registered to vote? In California, the deadline to register to vote for is 15 days prior to the election, so February 18th is the last day to register for our March 3rd Primary.
If you are unsure of your voter registration status, or would like to change it, you can check it or change it here:
If you have registered to vote but are not registered as a Democrat, here’s how you can still vote in the Democratic Presidential Primary:*
LACDP Endorsed Candidates/Measures
Measure 13 – Public Preschool, K-12, and college health and safety bond act of 2020 –
Measure FD – Increase funds to LA County Fire Departments – Yes (with increasing
fires in California, we feel this is a must!)
Measure R – Civilian Police Oversight Commission – Yes
Measure PV – PVPUSD bond measure to update our aging school infrastructures –
Congression District 33 – Ted Lieu (or if you live in CD 43, Maxine Waters; if you live in the 44th CD,
Nanette Barragan)
Assembly District 66 – Al Muratsuchi (PV Dems Member) (or if you live in AD 35, Steven Bradford; if you live in the 70th
AD, Patrick O’Donnell)
LA County Board of Supervisors, District 4 – Janice Hahn
LA County District Attorney – George Gascon
LA County Superior Court Judges: (see LA County Bar evaluations of candidates here: *
Office 72: Steve Morgan
Office 76: Emily Cole
Office 80: David Berger
Office 97: Sherry Lynn Powell
Office 129: Kenneth Fuller
Office 145: Adan Montalban
Office 150: Tom Parsekian
Office 162: Scott Andrew Yang
There is an election within the LACDP for which, of course, no endorsements can made by the LACDP. However, two of those candidates are current PV Dems members, so we urge you to support our club members for the County Central Committee Members and vote both for Ray Waters and Connie Sullivan (if using the voting machines, be sure to scroll all the way down.)
Local Torrance City Council races by District:
District 4: Sue Herbers
District 6: Andrew DeBlock
Various Local Jurisdictions in the 66 th AD: support J, Q, U and X
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