By Fraser Perkins —
Trump and Women
By words and deeds Donald Trump has relentlessly attacked women and limited access to reproductive healthcare services.
Attacks on Specific Women
It is easy to forget how consistent Trump has been in denigrating, insulting and intimidating individual women. Trump has normalized misogyny with a large swath of voters. While he has also mocked male rivals, his harshest comments have been directed at women.
Some examples…
Liz Cheney
Hillary Clinton
Trump called Clinton unbalanced, unstable, dangerous and a pathological liar. “She’s pretty close to unhinged”. Trump described the legacy of Clinton as death, destruction, chaos and weakness. “In one way she’s a monster.” Trump supporters responded to Trump with “Lock her up”, “Traitor”, and “Kill Her.” Trump failed to disavow himself from these violent, extreme comments. And who can forget Trump circling around Clinton during their debate in 2016?
Carly Fiorina
“Look at that face!? Would anyone vote for that? Can you imagine that, the face of our next president!?” When questioned later, Trump responded that he was talking about her persona not her looks.
Nikki Haley
Trump’s nickname for Haley is “Birdbrain”, yet Trump appointed Haley as the US Ambassador to the United Nations. Nikki Haley is one of the few Trump-appointed officials who resigned her post with her credibility and reputation intact. Her timing in leaving the Trump Administration was perfect – long enough to have served, yet not so long as to have permanently tarred her reputation.
Kamala Harris
“Kaaaamaaa’laa”. No. No, no, it’s Ka’mala. Not so hard, come on Donald, just try saying it once. You can do this, after all you’re a self-described genius.
“She could never be the first woman president. She could never be. That would be an insult to our country.”
Maxine Waters
“Crazy.” Trump referred to her as ranting and raving.
Nancy Pelosi
“We’ll stand up to crazy Nancy Pelosi…how’s her husband doing, anybody know?”. Trump stoked unfounded conservative conspiracy theories on the brutal attack against Paul Pelosi. Any expression of sympathy or empathy by Trump for Paul Pelosi’s fractured skull? Nah.
Elizabeth Warren
Gretchen Whitmer
“Lock them all up.”
Administrative Attacks against Women
We all know about the havoc wreaked by Trump-appointed judges in overturning Roe and the mifepristone case, but Trump also waged an administrative war against women during his presidency.
August 2017
The Trump Administration directed the Equal Employment Opportunities Commission (EEOC) to halt the implementation of the pay data collection rule. This little heralded rule was vital in identifying pay discrepancies such as discrimination.
March 2019
Title X Family Planning Program – The Trump Administration banned providers receiving Title X funds from referring patients for abortion services.
December 2019
Administrative actions threatened abortion and reproductive services in the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
May 2020
Weakened Title IX and put students at greater risk of harassment.
June 2020
Trump Administration sought to remove protections for LGBQT individuals.
Here are my “comments” on all Trump’s attacks against women.
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