PV Dems July 2023 Newsletter

PV Dems August 20 Meeting

The theme for this month’s meeting:   Review of Supreme Court 2022-23 Decisions with Judge Tom Long

Join us for our August meeting at the Peninsula Center Library Community Room.  Zoom access will be provided for those who cannot attend in-person.  Our meeting starts at 2:30 pm, but join us at 2 pm to chat with other Democrats. 

Our featured speaker is Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Thomas Long, who was appointed by Governor Jerry Brown in 2015.  Every August, since 2014, Judge Long has been sharing his insightful commentary on the cases highlighted in the University of CA, Irvine School of Law Annual Supreme Court Term In Review panel discussion (which is in its 13th year).


July Picnic and Board Member Installation

By Nancie Silver —

The Palos Verdes Democrats gathered in person for the 2023 picnic at St. Luke’s Presbyterian Church on Sunday afternoon, July 16.  Many of the more than 120 attendees purchased delicious meals provided by Lunada Bay Market while others brought their own food, and the club provided a variety of drinks.  The warm weather and beautiful venue made for a perfect event!

We had a full line-up of speakers from local, county and state government. Ann Nye, PV Dems 2nd VP, emceed the event, with additional comments from PV Dems President Connie Sullivan. Read about all the speakers and view our photo gallery here.

Please Renew Your Membership for 2023-2024

Our fiscal year runs from July 1st through June 30th and we depend primarily on dues to pay for vital donations to Democratic candidates and causes that reflect our Democratic values, room and equipment rentals as well as always-appreciated refreshments!

Membership prices are:

  • Individual $25/year
  • Family $40/year
  • Student $10/year

On our website, you can renew online or download the renewal form at:  http://pvpdemocrats.org/membership/

From the Activism Chair

By Caryl Schwartz
Ohio is having a special election on August 8 that is clearly about democracy vs autocracy; the GOP has placed an issue on the ballot to increase the threshold for passing citizen-led initiatives from a simple majority (50%+1) to over 60%.  Why? They are hoping to squelch a ballot measure for the November general election that would guarantee a woman’s right to contraceptives and reverse a trigger law that outlaws abortion. How can you help? Click the Activism Tab.


CADEM Report

By Connie Sullivan —

On July 8, state party delegates residing in Region 18 (Assembly Districts 55, 57, 61, and 66) met in Gardena for the first regional meeting since the state party convention in May.  Delegates heard from Assembly member Al Muratsuchi and Congress member Sydney Kamlager-Dove (CD 37).  Then they heard from candidates for the upcoming November 2024 elections in Assembly District 57 and Senate District 35, where the incumbents are terming out.

Executive Board representatives from each assembly district reported on events in their districts that they thought would be of interest to the group.  Our representative, Tony Hale, spoke about the recent anti-LGBTQ+ activities of some local governments (e.g. Torrance) and in the communities (Palos Verdes).

Tony Hale also provided guidance on how to write and submit a resolution to the CADEM for consideration at the upcoming August Executive Board meeting.

News from LACDP

By Jon Munoz —

The LACDP meeting was held on Tuesday July 11.  LACDP released a statement condemning the Supreme Court ruling on affirmative action.  The need to strengthen California’s community college system, which largely benefits underprivileged and minority communities, was highlighted.

The July 4th hotel strikes were then discussed.  Ada Briceno, who represents the hotel labor union Unite Here, discussed these actions.  She also noted that there will be further strikes and provided names of some of the hotels, mostly in the LAX area, that will be targets of future strikes.

Lastly, candidates for the Executive Board of LACDP gave speeches, including AD 66 residents Jacob Haik and Wade Kyle.  The next LACDP meeting will take place on September 12.

Climate Corner July 2023 – Republicans and Climate Crisis

By Fraser Perkins —

In mixed company Republicans avoid discussing gun control, reproductive health care, and a woman’s right to choose, but the Climate Crisis also competes for top position in the Republican Pantheon of downer issues.  Let’s see how Republican candidates handle the Climate Crisis and what techniques they use.

Distract and Deceive:  Donald Trump – On a recent podcast former President Trump attempted distraction followed by deception, “When I see these people talking about global warming, where the ocean will rise by a 1/100th of an inch over the next 350 years…”  Talking about long-term sea-level rise distracts from the immediate threat of extreme weather punishing the country with heat waves, drought, hurricanes, and torrential rains.  It’s also deceptive, well, more like a bald-faced lie.  Sea level will rise by up to a foot by 2050 with some areas along the Gulf and Atlantic coasts experiencing much greater increases.  Flat terrain, massive building, and subsidence make the east coast critically vulnerable to sea-level rise.  Time for the Donald to sell Mar-a-Lago. Read the full article here.


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