By Caryl Schwartz —
I promise this is the last month this column will focus on WISCONSIN’S SUPREME IMPORTANCE. What’s at stake in the Wisconsin Supreme Court race are redistricting, abortion rights, and voting rights and elections policy. These Supreme Court decisions go beyond the state; Wisconsin has been a critical swing state in recent presidential elections, so its voting policies affect more than just Wisconsin state residents.
Conservatives currently hold a 4-3 majority on the Wisconsin Supreme Court; together we can flip the ideological balance. I encourage you to text or phone bank to Get Out The Vote (GOTV) – go to these links to volunteer or donate: or
Join my Monday 1:30 -3:30 PM phonebanks at my house in PV; bring your laptop or tablet, cellphone and charger. RSVP to
Early voting started Tuesday, March 21, so make sure your Vote Forward letters or postcards are in the mail and arrive by the General Election on April 4.
Great News! Everytown for Gun Safety just did a $500,000 media buy in support of Judge Janet in Madison and Milwaukee.
This is what the Conservative Court has done:
- Upheld strict new limits on unions
- Affirmed a voter ID law
- Made absentee ballot drop boxes illegal and imposed other restrictions
- Expanded gun rights
- Curbed the powers of the Democratic governor
If (when) Judge Janet Protasiewicz wins it will:
- Impact the 2024 Presidential Election
- Overturn the 1849 State abortion ban
- Throw out gerrymandered maps
- End voting restrictions
- Improve public safety and health
On April 4 the Blue Wave flips the Court!
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