By Ann Nye —
The meeting was introduced by Connie Sullivan, 1st VP, filling in for PV Dems President, Kathy Bradford. Connie announced the PV Dems co-sponsored fundraiser for Al Muratsuchi on Dec 4th. Please go to our website here for the invite and to find out details for how to attend and contribute.
Remember, there is NO MEETING in December. We were planning to start in-person meetings in January, however, with the rise in COVID cases and COVID variants, the PV Dems Board decided to continue to hold our meetings virtually for the 1st quarter of 2022 (Jan, Feb, Mar).
SAVE the DATE for our January 16, 2022 meeting. The theme and the speakers will be announced soon on our website.
Details of our meeting’s theme, Solving the Homelessness and Housing Crisis in California, and featured speaker, Professor Jonathan Zasloff, can be found in Fraser Perkins’ meeting report.
At the end of our meeting, 4:55 on the video below, we had a short presentation by Linda Herman, League of Women Voters Peninsula co-president, about the film Where is Nancy, a 2020 documentary film about Manhattan Beach resident, Nancy Paulikas, who went missing at LACMA in 2015.
At our November board meeting, PV Dems Treasurer Al Shadbourne, presented our financials. The board plans to share Al’s report in our newsletter’s club business section. Here are our November expenditures:
ActBlue Credit Card Processing Fees | $8.12 | |||
Political Reporting Services | $540.00 | |||
PV Fair Booth Site Fee | $300.00 | |||
TOTAL | $848.12 |
Since our club is classified as a political action committee, we are required to submit reports to both the federal and state governments. To ensure absolute compliance with all government regulations we utilize a firm that specializes in the preparation of these reports to do our reporting. Al Shadbourne sends detailed monthly reports of our club’s income and expenses to this firm, Crummitt & Associates, which was recommended by the LACDP. In addition to preparing and submitting our government reports, this firm acts as an advisor to Al in providing guidance on how our club conducts all our financial activities.
How do we sign up for Al Marisutchi’s reception tomorrow? Where is the event? Can we pay at the door?
What I like most about the PV Democratic Club are the very informative monthly meetings. The subjects are covered in depth not just brief overviews. This is possible because mostly only one topic is discussed. Club members are very well informed. I enjoy the pre-meeting conversations.
Thank you so much, everyone!
It was very interesting.
It always is!
When it comes to the new Sacramento zoning laws, Redondo Beach Mayor Bill Brand has co-authored a ballot initiative to counteract the damage of these laws to community choice.
Go to for more information. I took the training and will help with signature gathering. We need 1,000,500 by April to get on November 2022 ballot.