PV Democrats Meetings – SAVE THE DATE


Due to the CDC in-door masking guidelines and increase in COVID Delta variant infections, we will hold our August monthly meeting on Zoom and re-evaluate the situation for our September meeting.

Social time begins at 2 pm if you would like to join us early.  The meeting starts at 2:30 pm.

August 15 – 2020-21 Supreme Court Review:  UCI Law’s 11th Annual Supreme Court Term in Review

Judge Tom Long of the Los Angeles Superior Court will continue our annual tradition of providing commentary on the Supreme Court cases reviewed in UCI (University of California Irvine) Law’s July 6 program.

For the 11th year in a row, the University of California, Irvine presented its review of the Supreme Court decisions for the just completed court term. Hosted by UCI Law professor Rick Hassen (who spoke in person at one of our PV Dems meetings) and featuring a star-studded panel of experts including Berkeley Law School Dean, Erwin Chemerinsky, this event is a must for those who follow SCOTUS decisions. Our own PV Dems member, Superior Court Judge Tom Long, will show snippets of UCI Law’s review and explain the various outcomes. The decisions included in the discussion are the opinion that makes it harder to prove voting rights violations, the “cursing cheerleader” decision, and the decision that allows a religious organization to discriminate against those in same sex marriages. Comments from the panel include opinions regarding the John Roberts’ court, COVID and the court, and the shadow docket. Expectations for next term include cases involving gun rights, Roe v Wade and Affirmative Action cases. Also included are discussions regarding the effect of activism on the Court, Breyer’s resignation choice, COVID and elections, and the Courts’ apparent preference for giving religion “most favored nation” status.


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