Bylaws Changes to Be Considered

By Kathy Bradford —

We need to do some housekeeping to our bylaws and procedures.  The updated Bylaws with one new procedure will need to be voted on by the membership at the next (March 21) meeting.  The changes include one minor change to paragraph 5.1 to change the month in which we announce the board Nominating Committee from May to March (we did so in February’s newsletter this year).

In addition, two new paragraphs will be added to append two procedures required by the Los Angeles County Democratic Party:  the “Policy against Harassment and Workplace Violence” as Addendum 1 (policy was approved by membership last year); and a “PV Democrat Grievance Policy” in Addendum 2.  The two additional paragraphs (12 and 13), and the addendums will be added to the Bylaws and posted on our website under tab ‘Club Info/Bylaws and Resolutions’, for your review this month.

12.0  The Palos Verdes Democrats are committed to the goal of having an environment free from discrimination, harassment and violence.  As such, we commit to the provisions laid out in our Policy against Harassment and Workplace Violence as Addendum 1.

13.0  The Palos Verdes Democrats employ the principles of Restorative Justice in handling any grievances.  Attempts shall be made to bring the parties together in a safe space to address situations face-to-face in order to repair harm, promote healing and learning, and build community.  If such efforts are determined to be inappropriate to the situation presented, or if such efforts are unsuccessful, the Grievance Procedures shall be undertaken.  The Grievance Procedures are listed as Addendum 2




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