May President’s Report

I hope you all were able to “attend” our virtual monthly meeting on Zoom.  There is so much happening as we proceed full swing into this presidential election year.  The Los Angeles County Democratic Party (LACDP) has challenged the county Democratic clubs to hold a series of virtual house parties.  By the time you read this, I will have hosted my first House Party on Monday, April 27th.

There are so many opportunities for you to be involved.  Hosting a House Party is just one activity.  There is, of course, ongoing phone banking for both local candidates and for candidates in other areas that may be a swing district or that may provide an opportunity to take back the Senate.  In addition to phone banking, some people are doing text banking (meeting the needs of the millenials).  And there is also postcard writing.  All of these projects are part of GOTV (Get Out The Vote).  In addition, a search on will provide a wealth of information and opportunity.  Both Field Team 6 and Grassroots Democrats send out emails once a week and both offer training in how to do phone banking, textbanking, and postcard writing, etc.  Or contact our own past president, Lynn Bommer, at or call (310) 374-1188.

There is also something the LACDP is calling “Wellness calls” which is phone banking to Democratic senior citizens who live in your precinct to check on how they are doing and if they need any help, then putting them in touch with someone who can meet their needs. There is also an opportunity to make wellness calls to senior Democrats who live in vulnerable districts.  Contrary to those in our local precincts who may already know how to get their needs met, those in vulnerable districts may not have the information they need.

Finally, I’d like to call your attention to the Lincoln Project.  This is a group of conservative Republicans who want to defeat Donald Trump.  I saw a list of 8 which included Steve Schmidt who worked on John McCain’s presidential campaign and George Conway, KellyAnne’s husband.  They said they had never voted for a Democrat in their lives but they are definitely supporting the Democratic candidate for president this year because they believe that Donald Trump must be defeated.  Here are a couple of the quotes from their website by Jennifer Horn, a communication strategist and former Chairperson of the New Hampshire Republican Party:

“Vice President Biden has shown he has the temperament and experience to lead our nation in a time of crisis. Donald Trump has left America in a state of danger, despair and economic depression, and the risks are too high to allow him another term.”

“Trump supporters’ unwavering trust in him will lead to more chaos, confusion, and illness. In a crisis we need a leader who will steer the country toward clarity, unity, and healing—not a leader who aims to sow more discord, hate, and division.”

Those quotes give me hope; maybe they can bring Mitt Romney along with them, as well as some other like minded “Lincoln” Republicans.


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