Candidate for Superior Court Judge Stirs Up Controversy

In a report in the Metropolitan News-Enterprise, a Los Angeles based legal newspaper, a deputy public defender running for Superior Court Judge, Tami Warren, incited a controversy with a robocall stating, among other things, “Unlike my opponent, who has been endorsed by the Democratic Party, I believe in conservative values, God, and the importance of protecting our constitutional rights.

According to the article, Warren’s opponent, Superior Court Judge Kathryn Solorzano, disputed Warren’s assertion in an email response, stating that “I was baptized Catholic and I continue to practice my faith at St. Victor’s Catholic Church in West Hollywood. I equally respect many other expressions of faith in God and I do not believe that the Catholic church is the only way. I do not agree with all Catholic dogma….I emphasize the importance of upholding our constitutional rights—the rights of all citizens, including the defendant.

For more information on this, see the article in the Met News (

To see the official LA County Democratic Party Central Committee judicial endorsements, go to

1 Comment

  1. BTW, Tami Warren is a Democrat and sought the party’s endorsement!! I’m proud to say we endorsed Judge Solorzano!

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