From the Activism Chair

By Caryl Schwartz —

I know many of us were disheartened by President Biden’s debate performance, however we cannot let it interfere with our work to preserve and protect American Democracy. We must win a trifecta in the 2024 elections.  The Supreme Court ruling on Presidential immunity has driven home the urgency that Democrats must control the Presidency, House and Senate.  The conservative ideologues on the court have undone a central goal of the Founders – preventing a President from becoming a King.  The Conservatives have Project 2025 ready to roll if former President Trump is elected, which will transform America into Christian White Supremacy minority rule.

The mistrust in our elections that the former President has seeded requires we win and win big! 

I encourage you to join PV Dems on July 13 to canvass for David Min, CA 47.  Sign-up at 

On July 20 join PV Dems to canvass for Derek Tran CA 45. Sign-up at

Please email for carpool meet-up locations for both events.

To expand the Senate, we must win Toss-Up seats in Arizona, Montana and Ohio.  Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin are critical battleground states that we also must win. If you can afford to contribute financially, I suggest any of these Senatorial campaigns:  Ruben Gallego, Arizona; John Tester, Montana; Sherrod Brown, Ohio; Elissa Slotkin, Michigan; Jacky Rosen, Nevada; Tammy Baldwin, Wisconsin; and Rep. Colin Allred, running for Ted Cruz’s seat in Texas.   

MAGA extremism in Arizona and North Carolina may present opportunities for Democrats.  In North Carolina, it’s Democrat Josh Stein, current AG, versus Mark Robinson, Lt. Governor.  This race is critical because a Democratic Governor is the last line of defense against a Republican state legislature on steroids. Read about it at

Canvassing and phone banking are the most effective means to increase voter turnout. Statistically voter turnout increases by 4% with voter-to-voter contact.  PV Dems phone banking and canvassing efforts for Congressional races will begin in the upcoming months. When we phone bank and canvass, we call on Democrats and Independents, not MAGA Republicans.   Phone banking opportunities available now include:

Interested in Registering voters in person: 

Field Team 6: 

See a list with lots of volunteer opportunities:

Throughout the summer PV Dems will be canvassing in two districts in Orange County.  CA 45 for Derek Tran and CA 47 for David Min, Katie Porter’s old district.  

Please feel free to reach out to me for other resources.

Thank you,
Caryl Schwartz

PV Dems
Activism Chair