July 2024—Climate Corner

—By Fraser Perkins

Climate Corner July 2024
And Now for Some Good News…

All the dismal news about extreme weather obscures many positive trends worldwide in reducing fossil fuel emissions. 


Giant batteries are converting solar energy into energy for use after the sun sets.  As is often the case, California leads the way, but nationwide battery storage capacity has expanded 10x in just the past three years alone, and is set to double again in 2024.  California will triple battery capacity in the next 11 years and expects to reach 100% carbon free electricity generation by 2045. Bacteria-powered batteries, aka microbial fuel cells, are a potential source of long-lasting sustainable energy.

United States

Renewables have expanded, carbon emissions have decreased, and air quality has improved.  Both per capita and aggregate CO2 emissions have drifted down from their historic highs.

First Movers Club

A coalition of 50 major corporations have pledged to buy metal products from sources emitting little carbon.

International Investment

In 2024 global clean energy investments will outpace fossil fuel investments by two to one; clean energy investment will reach $2 Trillion with solar receiving the most funding.


The newly elected president, Claudia Sheinbaum, is an environmental engineer and climate scientist.

Pacific Island Nations

Recently won a landmark international victory which will pressure large nations to cut emissions further.

Paris Olympics

Cars will be banned on more than 100 streets.  SUV parking fees will increase.  1,300 kilometers of bike lanes have been added.


Will construct its largest wind farm ever.

US Navy

Has embarked on a plan to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 65% by 2030.

These developments, when taken together, represent worldwide progress in dealing with the Climate Crisis.  A four-star major step forward would be the re-election of Joe Biden as President in November.  

To assist the Republican Nominee in securing a good night’s sleep, and with an assist from Chat-GPT,  I offer this bedtime prayer for Donald Trump, as he lays his head down on his puffed and fluffed pillow at Mar-a-Lago: 

Oh Trump, swing for the green of Earth’s plight,
Each policy a stroke in this crucial fight,
From fairway to fairway, let wisdom be your guide,
Preserve our planet, where generations abide,
For the scorecard of history, a legacy done,
Treating climate as sacred as a hole-in-one.

Vote Democratic!   Vote Democratic!  Vote Democratic!

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