PV Dems May Newsletter

Upcoming Meetings

By Ann Nye —

May Club Meeting

Join us on Sunday, May 19 for our next club meeting. Our speaker, Julia Marsh, was recently appointed to head up POLITICO’s California operation as Editorial Director for California – the top editor overseeing POLITICO’s ambitious expansion in the nation’s most populous state and the world’s fifth largest economy.  Julia will speak to the club remotely via Zoom on “How Politico is Covering the 2024 Presidential Race.”

Julia came to POLITICO in early 2021 from the New York Post following a decade as legal correspondent, and then City Hall Bureau Chief.  She joined the Post just as New York Mayor Eric Adams was entering office, and she instantly upped the ante in what has been POLITICO’s largest state operation, working closely and effectively with reporters to lead award-winning coverage of the new Adams administration, and also playing a key role in coverage of statewide politics and policy.

A graduate of Colorado College, Julia attended Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, and worked for Yomiuri Shimbun, Japan’s largest daily newspaper, in Washington during the George W. Bush and Obama years, before joining the Post.

For more information, or to register for our meeting, please click here.

June Club Meeting

Our June meeting will occur on June 23, one week later than our regular rhythm in order to allow members to celebrate Father’s Day.  Our meeting will feature our State Senator, Ben Allen.

2024 Summer Picnic

Mark you calendar and Save the Date!  Our 2024 PV Democrats Summer Picnic will be July 21 at St Luke’s Presbyterian Church, 26825 Rolling Hills Rd, RHE from 5-7pm.  Congressman Ted Lieu will be our keynote speaker and will install our 2024/25 PV Democrats Board of Directors.

PV Democrats April 2024 Meeting Report

By Nancie Silver —

The Palos Verdes Democrats met in person at the Peninsula Center Library and on zoom on Sunday, April 21. The theme of the meeting was EARTH DAY Special Edition:  Fix our Waste and Heal the World.  We had two speakers, Glynn Barrish-Carroll and Edward Humes.

The first speaker was Glynn Barrish-Carroll, a sustainable fashion strategist, consultant and advisor who follows the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG). She is especially aware that the fashion industry is the #2 polluter and cause of environmental harm due to its extensive use of polyester. This material doesn’t biodegrade, and it sheds micro and nano plastics into the water we drink and swim in, the air we breathe, and the foods we eat.  Glynn spoke to us about proposed textile waste legislation, California Senate Bill 707 (SB 707 – Responsible Textile Recovery Act of 2023).

The featured speaker was Pulitzer Prize winning-author and journalist Ed Humes, who spoke to the club in 2022 when his book, Garbology:  Our Dirty Love Affair with Trash, came out.  He spoke to us today about his latest book, Total Garbage:  How We Can Fix our Waste and Heal Our Planet. In his new book, he said he was inspired years ago at a sustainability summit convened by Walmart, at which one speaker argued that companies needed to focus on reducing waste.  “The idea was that even investors and corporate boards averse to anything environmentalists wanted would cheer on waste reduction as a source for cost savings and increased profits.” 

Watch the video to hear these stories and the Q & A discussion with Glynn and Ed.  Very interesting! You’ll learn ways you can reduce your waste and make a difference.

To read the full report from our meeting, see photos, and to watch the video, please click here.


Election of Officers Takes Place at May Meeting

By Rob Wynne —

The Nominating Committee Chair, Mehran Moshfeghi, along with Nominating Committee Members Fraser Perkins and Rob Wynne, met in March to recruit a slate of officers and standing committee chairs for the 2024-2025 year.

Below is the slate they recruited. We still need a 1st  Vice President for the Club. If you would like to volunteer for this position, email Rob Wynne at rob@wynnepr.com.

The election of officers will take place at the Sunday, May 19 meeting.  According to the club bylaws, ADDITIONAL NOMINATIONS may be submitted to the Nominating Committee by petition of five members.  At least seven days before the May meeting, the slate – including NOMINATIONS made by petition – will be sent out to the membership.  To vote for a Board member at the May 19 meeting, you need to have been a PV Dems member since Feb 1, 2024.  Voting may be done in-person or virtually via Zoom.

2024-25 Slate of Officers

Officers Nominees for Office:
President Robert Wynne
1st Vice Vacant
2nd Vice President Tim Dixon (nominated via petition)
Recording Secretary Casey Crowe
Corresponding Secretary Ann Stahl
Treasurer Al Shadbourne
Parliamentarian Carol Moeller


2024-25 Standing Committee Chairs
Note: Standing Committee Chairs are appointed (not elected, so are not part of this election)

Committees Committee Chairs
Activism Caryl Schwartz
Hospitality Kathy Bradford and Julie Raley
LACDP Associate Member Jon Munoz
Membership Larry Donahue
Newsletter Editor Stacey Stoler
Publicity Allison Phillips
Webmaster Reggie Jue


From the Activism Chair

By Caryl Schwartz —

To preserve and protect American Democracy we must win a trifecta in the 2024 elections.  The Supreme Court hearing on Presidential immunity has driven home the urgency that Democrats must control the Presidency, House and Senate.  The conservative ideologues on the Court allowed a serious conversation about undoing a central goal of the Founders – preventing a President from becoming a King.

The mistrust in our elections that the former President has seeded requires we win and win big! 

To expand the Senate, we must win Toss-Up seats in Arizona, Montana and Ohio.  Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania; and Wisconsin are critical battleground states that we also must win. If you have the means to contribute financially, I suggest any of these Senatorial campaigns: Ruben Gallego, Arizona; John Tester, Montana; Sherrod Brown, Ohio; Elissa Slotkin, Michigan; Jacky Rosen, Nevada; Tammy Baldwin, Wisconsin; and Rep. Colin Allred, running for Ted Cruz’s seat in Texas.   

MAGA extremism in Arizona and North Carolina may present opportunities for Democrats.  In North Carolina, Democrat Josh Stein, current AG, versus Mark Robinson, Lt. Governor.  This race is critical because a Democrat Governor is the last line of defense against a Republican state legislature on steroids.   https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/05/politics/north-carolina-governor-race/index.html

Canvassing and phone banking are the most effective means to increase voter turnout. Statistically voter turnout escalates by 4% with voter-to-voter contact.  PV Dems phone banking and canvassing efforts for Congressional races will begin in the upcoming months. When we phone bank and canvass, we call on Democrats and Independents, not MAGA Republicans.   Phone banking opportunities available now include:

Interested in Registering voters in person: 

See a list with lots of volunteer opportunities:

PV Dems will be canvassing in two districts in Orange County.  CA 45 for Derek Tran and CA 47 for David Min, Katie Porter’s old district.  

Please feel free to reach out to me for other resources.

Thank you,
Caryl Schwartz
PV Dem Activism Chair

Palos Verdes Chamber of Commerce Street Fair

By Connie Sullivan —

The Chamber is holding their Street Fair June 7-June 9 this year and the Palos Verdes Democrats will be there.  For the past several years, we’ve had a booth at the Street Fair and have managed to reach many local Democrats who didn’t even know about our club.  We think having this presence in the community definitely elevates our profile on the Hill.
Please come out to the Fair and say hello.  And, if you’d like to staff the booth for a 2-hour shift, please let us know at pvpdems@pvpdemocrats.org.  We’d love to have you join us at this fun event!

Democratic National Convention – Delegate Election Results

By Connie Sullivan —

On April 21 Democrats in our 36th Congressional District voted to send six delegates and one alternate to the Democratic National Convention.

Two Palos Verdes Democrats prevailed in the election. They are Tony Hale and Connie Sullivan.  They will join former Assemblymember Betsy Butler, major fundraiser Scott Mayers, activist Susan Sheu, and union attorney Maxwell Ulin.  The alternate is Caroline Torosis, City Council woman from Santa Monica who also works for Supervisor Holly Mitchell.

There are other avenues to become a delegate, as well.  There are spots for Party Leaders & Elected Officials and At-Large Delegates.  Both of these delegate categories are selected by the Biden campaign.  In addition, these categories are used to reach the party’s affirmative action goals.

In all there will be 496 California delegates to the August convention, the largest of all the delegations, naturally, as we are the largest state in the nation.

LACDP March Report

By Jon Munoz —

The April LACDP meeting was held in person on Tuesday, April 9. The biggest news was the election of Mark Ramos to LACDP Chair. Prior to this appointment Mr. Ramos was President of the UFCW (United Food and Commercial Workers International Union). Jacob Haik was elected Vice-Chairman of the LACDP. Prior to this he was the Controller for the LACDP. PV Dems member Paul Seo spoke on Mr. Haik’s behalf before the vote.

On the legislative front, AB 1825 – sponsored by AD 66 Assemblymember Al Muratsuchi- was among the bills approved by LACDP members during the Legislative Committee vote. The measure, titled California Freedom to Read Act, would require the governing board of each public library to establish a written policy for the selection of library materials, among other things.

Lastly, the resolution calling for a humanitarian, permanent ceasefire between Israel and Hamas was voted on at the meeting. The vote came after a revision to the first resolution which required trimming 17 words so the resolution could adhere to the 400-word count. The resolution passed with overwhelming support.

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