
Founded in 1952 – The Palos Verdes Democrats is one of the oldest Democratic Clubs in California

As a member of the Palos Verdes Democrats you can:

* Meet other Democrats *
* Meet and get to know your elected officials, raise funds and work for candidates *
* Attend special events and monthly meetings *
* Hear speakers and discuss issues of local, state, and national import *
* Receive a monthly newsletter *
*Vote on club issues, unless registered as NPP (No Party Preference) *
* Have the opportunity to be elected to the PV Democrats Board of Directors *

Become A Member:

Our memberships extend from July 1 through June 30. Memberships paid for during June will apply to the next fiscal year membership. We run our membership drives in July.

There are two ways to join the PVP Democrats:

Option 1

Fill out the form below.  Once you have completed the form, you will be sent to our ActBlue account page, where you can make payment using your credit card.

Option 2

You can join using the original paper process by printing the paper application, completing it and sending it to the P.O. Box listed on the application along with your check. To review and print the application, please click here. When filled out, please send to:

Palos Verdes Democrats
P.O. Box 2234
Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274