Proposed Amendments to the PV Democrats Bylaws to Be Voted On By Club Membership

By Kathy Bradford —

At the March meeting, we introduced some proposed amendments to the Palos Verdes Democrats Bylaws.  These changes are dictated by the LA County Democratic Party, which charters the clubs.  The changes include adding a Policy Against Harassment and Workplace Violence, and a Grievance Procedure, which can be accessed on our website by clicking on the links.  To include these procedure changes in our Bylaws, the following two paragraphs (12.0 and 13.0) will be added to the Bylaws:

12.0  The Palos Verdes Democrats are committed to the goal of having an environment free from discrimination, harassment and violence.  As such, we commit to the provisions laid out in our Policy against Harassment and Workplace Violence as Addendum 1.

13.0  The Palos Verdes Democrats employ the principles of Restorative Justice in handling any grievances.  Attempts shall be made to bring the parties together in a safe space to address situations face-to-face in order to repair harm, promote healing and learning, and build community.  If such efforts are determined to be inappropriate to the situation presented, or if such efforts are unsuccessful, the Grievance Procedures shall be undertaken.  The Grievance Procedures are listed as Addendum 2.

We also have the following “housekeeping” bylaw changes for you to consider (changes shown in RED):

  3.4  RECORDING SECRETARY: Takes and distributes club board meeting minutes and maintains club records.  (This distinguishes general meetings from board meetings.  Our newsletter editor and webmaster actually record our general meetings.)
  4.6 SPECIAL BOARD MEETINGS may be called by the President or by written request to the President by three members of the Board. Excepting emergency status as determined by the President, at least forty-eight hours’ notice stating the purpose of the meeting shall be given and the business of the meeting shall be confined to the purpose stated.  (This is to prevent being constrained if there is a last-minute emergency.)
  4.7  For purposes of voting on all matters, a QUORUM shall consist of at least one half of the entire Board.
  4.9  EXPENDITURES for items in excess of $300 shall require a majority vote of the entire Board.
  5.1 The NAMES of the nominating committee shall be conveyed to the membership at least by the March newsletter in order to provide for input from the membership.  (This was actually a typo that listed May, but further in our bylaws we mention announcing the final slate in April.)
  7.4 Every registered Democrat member in good standing present in person at any duly called membership meeting may vote on any issue. Proxies shall not be valid. A membership meeting QUORUM consists of ten members plus 5% of the membership.  (Although those registered as No Party Preference may be members of the PV Democrats’ club, our club chartering agency mandates that only registered Democrats may be voting members.)
  8.1 The Nominating Committee shall transmit its list of nominees to the membership at least seven days before the May meeting, including NOMINATIONS made by petition. ELECTION of the officers from the list presented by the Nominating Committee shall be by majority vote of those present, voting, and qualified as voting members by February 1st, providing that a quorum exists. The Parliamentarian shall conduct the election. (See 7.4 above)

Since we require a 2 week period for review and discussion, we will be conducting a YES/NO vote on these Bylaws via an email, which will be sent before our April 18th meeting.



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