The ACLU Wants You to Demand a Special Prosecutor to Investigate Russian Influence on our Democracy

ACLU Action

President Trump just fired FBI director James Comey – the person who had been leading the investigation into the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia.

The ACLU has been calling for a special prosecutor with full plenary power to investigate Russian interference for months. Now there’s robust bipartisan agreement that a truly independent investigation is urgently needed. We need you to seize this moment and raise your voice now.

Demand a special prosecutor to investigate the Trump campaign’s relationship with the Russian government.

The stakes are high. The lengthy term of an FBI director is to help ensure that the president does not operate above the law. Trump’s dismissal of Comey raises serious alarm bells for our system of checks and balances.

If a foreign government illegally tried to influence American elections, this constitutes a grave threat to our voting rights, our civil liberties, and our national security. And if a presidential campaign coordinated with that foreign government, we should all be concerned. This is why the ACLU has been calling for accountability.

Tell Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Russian interference in the election and any role by the Trump campaign.

The American people deserve clear answers and real accountability. A special prosecutor must investigate whether the president or his allies violated the trust of the American people.

Add your name to call for a special prosecutor. The American people must have a truly independent investigation.

Thanks for taking action,
Anthony for the ACLU Action team


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